28 week side shot- requested by my loving, little sister who thinks it's great fun to see and make fun of how huge I'm getting.
WOOHOO- 28 weeks down- 11 to go!! Ahhh! Sooo scary, and soooooo exciting, all at the same time! Yesterday I had my glucose test, which went way better than I had imagined. No gestational diabetes for this girl!! WooHoo! I had the glucose test and my regularly scheduled doctor appointment (which went great- nothing new to report, except that I've gained TWENTY pounds so far!! AHHH!!! And that my cervix is staying closed, which is obviously great- so she said just keep doing what I've been doing, because it's obviously working!! WooHoo!!) both yesterday-- and at my appointment they gave me some paperwork to fill out and to bring to the admissions office in the hospital so everything would be ready to go for when Isabella feels it's her time to make her grand entrance. Well, by this time my brain is fried, I'm mentally exhausted ~ so off to the admissions office I go... I walk in and the guy working in the office is playing on his iPhone (Woohoo- our tax dollars at work!). I tell him what I need to do and he says, "Oh great, more work for me," and proceeds to hand me a stack of MoRe paperwork I have to fill out. Sorry to make you work, sir!! ;) I plop down in the chair with my pen and begin filling in the blanks... Mother's name before first marriage- got it!.. Mother's address - I know this one!... then it says 'Mother's social security number.' "What the heck do they need my mom's social for?" I ask myself as I dig out my phone to call my mom.... and then it hits me- OHHHHH YEAHHHH- I'm the mother!!!! Hahaha! OOPS!! Then the same thing happened when they wanted the 'father's' information... lol- I couldn't help but giggle at myself! I'm sure the guy thought I was completely crazy by this point!! Goodness! But please let me remind you- on an empty stomach I've just drank more glucose than I usually have in a weeks time. So I finally got the paperwork done (If all of the information is correct is a wholeeee different story!). We'll see.................