In the last three months the Bolins have...................
(Please notice her middle finger. Please. Haha- she gets these sweet, sweet manners from her dad, I assure you.)
Okay- so the story about this Hawaii trip is just too funny to not tell... For Christmas this past year my parents paid for all of us to go to Hawaii for the week and stay in a resort in Kona and just relax and be away from it all... They even booked Casey & I this little condo to ourselves, because we never got a 'real' honeymoon... anyway... We were PUMPED- and as we were ordering tickets I said to Casey, "Wait- shouldn't we pay the extra to insure our tickets, just in case we need to change them?" (I was thinking this was so necessary because even though the Navy promised Casey's crew this past Christmas off, anything can change... always.) Casey very quickly said, "No! There would be absolutely NO reason to do that... NOTHING is going to change... We ARE going to HAWAII!" HAHAHAHA!! Little did we know I was about 6-8 weeks pregnant during this exact conversation. So yeah. We didn't go to Hawaii. Neither did anyone else in the Mobbs clan. Everyone had to cancel their flights and resort reservations to meet sweet Isabella. NO ONE would have changed this, obviously... it's just comical. So now we are going to Hawaii (just us) as a family of 3. :) Heck- Izzy still flies free- everyone wins!
I got to have a night out with the girls with NO babies!! This was the first time EVER for ALL of us-- so yes, it was a big, huge, gigantic deal!! :)
I am now an 'Independent Scentsy Consultant.' For my first party several guys from the boat came (not to buy Scentsy exactly... but to hang out with Casey, play with sweet Izzy and eat the yummy snacks). Here are a few of the guys doing ab exercises with Izzy.... Andrew (the guy in the brown hoodie) is 6'4", which just makes this even more funny. They're a great group of guys!
This picture and the following were taken on Izzy's six month birthday. 7-2-11
LOVE her.
Probably my favorite picture of the day. She has changed our lives, brought us so much closer, left us exhausted, left us with baby food everywhere, left us laughing and smiling for days... I wouldn't change a second of these past 6 months. Isabella Jo is forever and always our baby and we thank God for her every single night. (Along with all of you, don't you worry!)
I asked Casey, "How would you sum up these last six months?" His reply, "Crazy. Awesome." That just about sums it up. :)