Friday, February 18, 2011

6 weeks and growing!

Isabella is now 6 weeks old and smiles often! LoVe it!
I need to get more pictures of her smiling, but every time she does I just grab her and kiss her and forget to get a picture... I'll work on that!

Izzy loves tummy time and looking out her window.

Izzy holding onto her paci and giraffe from Nana. Think she's afraid we are going to take them away from her?! ;)

Casey holding Rian and Iz.

Izzy is a huge fan of being held. Thank goodness for this carrier- we are both happy and I can get things done. Don't get me wrong- not much gets done, because of our endless cuddling time- but sometimes Casey likes clean clothes and dishes. ;)

We actually had some sunshine earlier this week (this is a big deal for here in WA!) and Izzy LoVeD it- we layed in the sun most of the day those two days. It was glorious, but is now long gone! :(

Izzy dancing on the couch.
Izzy was 8.4 lbs at her apt last Friday (5-1/2 weeks); her two month apt in March 4th. She seems to be getting longer and longer by the day, but not any chubbier. She is such a happy baby, for the most part, of course, and I'm loving all these smiles and coo's... Infact, Izzy says, "Hi!" very clearly. Yep, our child speaks at a month and a half old.
On Wednesday I have a colpo. scheduled- please keep me in your prayers that everything is clear and we can finally be gone with that. No fun.


  1. Don't you just love watching her little personality develop! It just gets better and better.

  2. OOOOOOOO, just want to come share in all that holding!!!!!!!
