Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby Dedication

Today Isabella was dedicated to God; along with her two best friends, Mikayla and Rian. Here are the pictures from the sweet event.......

Getting lined up

Listening to Jerry talk about how special babies are...

Our amazing Pastor Jerry


So sweet!

Stating that we will raise our children to be Christ followers.

My heart.

Group shot

Jerry asked, "Are all the babies asleep?" Casey, "Nope, not Izzy!"

Laughing at silly Izzy

Such an amazingly sweet picture.

Presenting Isabella.

Praying for God's protection over Izzy.

Jerry commenting on how gorgeous Izzy is. She gave him a smile for all his sweet comments. :)

Rian being presented.

AMAZING picture.

Love this family, and this picture.

Jerry loving on Rian.


Love Mik's smile!! Such sweet babies!!
During the message today Izzy and Casey had a smiling contest going on ~ it melted my heart. Love our little family and am so excited to see how God is going to continue to bless us. XoXo


  1. Love it! Such a sweet little girl. Wish we could have been there to share this special day with you.

  2. SOOOO AMAZING! This post just made my day!!!
