Casey is officially a submariner, and has earned his Dolphins, which is a very big deal in the Navy world... it's more bragging rights than anything. (Tons of hard work, too, of course!!) The guys that have their dolphins rag on the guys that don't, so once you have them you can rag on the guys below you that don't. Yes, it might sound silly, but it's true! He e-mailed me about getting them last month, but I received the 'official' letter from the CO this week; who also thanked me for my commitment to Casey and his hard work. We have so much to celebrate once he gets home!!
Also, today is my momma's birthday. She is beyond amazing!! I've always loved and appreciated her, but now that I'm going to be a mommy myself, I can only wish to be half the mom she is and has been. Happy Birthday Momma!!!!! XoXo
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