Friday, September 24, 2010

Playing Catch Up

So much has happened since I last got to post- and it has all been exciting and fun!! What a life I am blessed to live!!

First-- while my amazing momma was still here my sweet cousins through a baby shower for me and Isabella! To our surprise, they sent out invitations to everyone-- Isabella received loved from all our family across the entire US- I was blown away!! She is going to be the best dressed, most loved girl ever!! My amazing Aunt took pictures of everything at the shower, but when she went to copy them onto a CD for me they were all lost. So, here are a few pictures my cousin Melissa, the host of the shower, snapped.

'Three Generations' picture frame for Grammy. (Bottom left is the diaper cake my beyond sweet cousin Kerra made.)

My cousin Robin Mitchell is the most creative person I know-- this is the lid to the box full of amazing goodies she got/made for Isabella... It says "Isabella Jo." Too Cute!!

I'm taking bets that Casey will dress Isabella in this every chance he gets.... :) Don't worry- there are even matching shoes!! So much fun!!

This picture says it all. Can't wait to put her cute diaper butt in these pants!!

Frog Pod for all of Isabella's bath toys! So cool!!

Aunt Martha made the cake- it says, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Do You Know How Loved You Are?" just like it will say on her wall. Loveeee it!


Then.... My best friend Kirstie Lou came to visit me for the week!!! We had so much fun just hanging out and catching up ~ lots of girl time. Instead of using the same pictures and probably writing the same sort of thing- I am just going to link to her post about our week. I am so thankful for her friendship, even after all these years. It's so great to hang out- it's like we never missed a beat!! Love that girl!


I am 25 weeks pregnant (well, as of yesterday, technically), but will post a 25 week picture after Casey is home. Can't wait for him to see my belly and see and feel her move!!!!!! He refers to her as Izzy and Iz is all of his e-mails, telling me how much he loves her... it melts my heart into itty bitty pieces every single time. Love him. Love her. Can't wait till we are all together!! Finally!! But for now, here is a 24 week photo (which is also in Kirstie's post) taken on top of the Space Needle. Too Cool!!

1 comment:

  1. how great is this?! i LOVE the box with her name! its funny, when you have a baby God reveals with love and joy from everyone you know. So glad things are coming together for your new little family!! miss and love you!
