Sunday, September 26, 2010


As some of your know, I have a slight obsession with wreaths. It's true. We have two in our house that I made about a year ago, that stay up year round. I made them after reading this blog entry from our pastor's wife. Practically everyone who comes over compliments them and talks about how cool they are. The one I have hanging in our living room looks exactly like this one. The one in our bedroom (that people seem to like more) is rolled. So much fun!!
ThEn I found this one, and couldn't wait to share! I haven't made it yet, but will be creating it asap. I just LoVe craft projects; especially ones that are cheap, and involve wreaths!


  1. Totally cute! Love the book one!

  2. Thanks so much! Your mom loved them, too, when they were here... so much fun, and everyone comments on them when they come over! :) Casey thinks I should make them and sell them, but they're cheaper to make than they would be to ship, you know?
