Monday, August 2, 2010

17 Weeks Down!

Stretching Out (Lighter)

Stretching Out (Darker)


Well I am officially on disability from work, so I will have plenty of time to update our blog. Ha. It's only day one and I'm making list of things I need to get done, but dividing it up by days so I can still rest and keep this baby where it belongs- not being born just yet!
Well, at our apt (on July 29th) they listened to the baby's heart beat (which is a strong 160-162, right where it should be!) and talked about my next apt-on Thursday (August 5th) when I go in for my colpo (from having an abnormal pap) and what all will need to be taken care of during that apt. Then I told her how the mail drop was due that day and that it would be really awesome if we could get some pictures to send Case... so she very quietly snuck off and got an ultrasound machine. The baby wasn't moving much (probably sleeping), and legs were together and bent, so we couldn't see the sex, but in the middle of it all the baby completely stretched out, then curled up again. Long baby!

1 comment:

  1. cute!! i hope that case finds out first, but i have to say im pretty excited!
